
Primary Location

1449 Ebenezer Rd

Rock Hill, SC 29732 US


Patient Testimonials

We value our patients' experience at Kamego Chiropractic Wellness Center. Here are a just a select few of our many patient testimonials.

Knee Pain - GONE!!

After 6 months of suffering from bad knee pain, Dr. Kamego got rid of it in only 2 weeks!

Even my sinus problems have improved tremendously! - 

Aimee Albright

Dr. Kamego is THE MAN!

I experienced severe pain in my neck and shoulder region (left side). It was extremely hard for me to function and a daily basis. The pain was so severe it made me cry at times. MRI/Xrays were taken prior to finding Dr. Kamego and was told my body is reacting to STRESS. Started going for PT, dry needling and was given a shot of numbing pain into the muscle; NOTHING worked. I googled Pain Management and found Kamego Chiropractic with great reviews. My husband and I met with Dr. Kamego(great personality), he did an Xray and explained exactly what was going on with my body; my spine wasn't at its full potential due to a combination of bad posture and an old car accident (over 20 years ago- hit from behind). I started seeing him late Sept or early Nov and I must say he is doing wonders!!! Thanks to his expertise, massages, exercises and his "jack hammer" tool (not painful at all), I no longer have excruciating pain! I can now turn my neck all the way to the left without crying, bending my neck up and down is not a problem, the constant throbbing has not returned, driving/sitting or standing is no longer a challenge, and no more losing sleep every night! I am not at 100% but very close to it; more visits to go!

I would recommend him without hesitation! Thanks Dr. K!

S.C. - Rock Hill

Bed Wetting Issues

Dr Steve helped our 11 year old son with bed wetting. He had been soaking the bed every night. After 3 weeks of adjustments we saw a great improvement. 3 months later and he is waking up dry every morning with an occasional accident here and there. Would highly recommend Dr Steve!!!

Greg B. New Milford, CT

Oklahoma State University - Quarterback
I have been seeing Dr. Kamego for almost 4 years now! The last two of my high school career and sporadically throughout college. Dr. Kamego's adjustments and specific treatment around my shoulder/rotator cuff as well as elbow have helped my game and kept me loose during the grind of a season. Whatever minor aches and pains I come in with have always been corrected, and I leave feeling refueled! He is the best, check him out! ~~~~Mason Rudolph

35 Years of Pain after a train wreck - Now Pain Free

He's best chiropractor in Rock Hill. I've got chronic neck issues from being in Amtrak train wreck in 1975. After 35 years of doing nothing but deal with it, I went to Steve & now I'm almost perfect! We all are works in progress but to come this far after years of my own neglect is truly AMAZING!!!!!! -

71 Years young lived with years of pain,  its GONE!

I am 71 years old and for the past 6 years have been having pains in my legs which I thought was due to osteoarthritis of the knees. My posture was very poor and lower back ached. I had a hard time getting up from a sitting position. I went to Dr. Kamego because I was tired of pain pills and was at the end of my rope! After my very 1st visit, I could not believe that my leg pains were GONE!! My lower back ache disappeared and my posture is much improved. I don't feel "old" and have energy. I don't take pain meds anymore either!! Thank you Dr. Kamego!! Just because you are 71, you don't have to live with pain.  - Joy Kwiecien Taylor

Feel Relief Instantly

Prior to my chiropractic treatment at Kamego Chiropractic I had lower back pain , especially on the left hip, left shoulder, and arm pain. Walking was very painful---standing was very painful---and walking for a long distance at the time was unheard of---sleeping was next to impossible.          

Since receiving treatment, I'm able to sleep better (a special chiropractic pillow has helped tremendously; I can't sleep without it and I wake up hurting when I do). My shoulders don't hurt, my arm pain is much less. I walk longer distances, stand for longer periods of time, and have much less if not at all back pain.

As soon as I start hurting again, I go for another adjustment and feel relief instantly.

The benefits of Kamego Chiropractic have made a tremendous difference in my ability to enjoy life. Not all chiropractic offices can do that. I have been to several and Kamego has helped the most.

Dr. Kamego's knowledge of how to treat areas of pain and discomfort is very holistic. He is well versed and read in his area and beyond. Anyone experiencing discomfort of any sort would benefit from a visit to Kamego Chiropractic. Thank You!!  - : Jamie Raad

Plantar Fasciitis Fixed, Chostochodritis Fixed, IT Band and Leg Issues Fixed!!

I’ve been going to see Dr. Steve at Kamego since 2012. He’s fixed all kinds of ailments, from IT band issues, to plantar fasciitis and costochondritis. Recently I ran out of visits through my insurance and couldn’t afford to continue to see Dr. Steve since I was paying out of pocket. I found a place called the joint chiropractic, it’s cheap and in expensive for adjustments. I started going there and got a little relief but unfortunately the chronic pain in my lower back continued. After three weeks of basically being crippled by this lower back pain, I called Dr. Steve to see if I could talk to him. I knew he could help but I just couldn’t afford the frequency of visits I needed. Dr. Steve was willing to work out a payment arrangement for me but most importantly he has fixed the chronic pain in my lower back in a weeks time. I lost over $150 at the joint in three weeks, that Dr. Steve fixed in a week. It’s so amazing to sleep through the night, to have my life back basically and it’s all because Dr. Steve fixed the problem that no one else seemed to be able to figure out. I’m telling you if you think cheap is the way to go, it’s not, I guess you pay for what you get. Lesson learned on my part. Dr. Steve is hands down the best chiropractor in rock hill. I had to learn the hard way unfortunately. If you have an ailment, go see Dr. Steve, you will be sorry if you don’t.

David Brinkerhoff Jr.

"Given me my life back"

I hurt my lower back doing yard work about 6 months ago. I went to my doctor who then sent me to an orthopedist. Over the next five months he had me go as an out-patient and have two nerve blocks. They didn’t last but a few days. The next step he wanted to do was to go in and have the nerves burned.

My wife had a co-worker tell her about Dr. Kamego and the results he had gotten from going to him and said that I should give him a chance. We went and the visit was the best thing that I could have done. He told me from the start that he could help me and not to worry, that everything was going to be alright. That was something that no other doctor had told me.

I’ve been going to Dr. Kamego now for about two months and my back hasn’t felt this good in years. I’ve told other friends about him and they can see for themselves how I am able to do the things I want (and used) to do.

I highly recommend Dr. Kamego and his staff to anyone. He basically has given me my life back and I can’t thank him enough.  Thank you, -  Garry Hargrove

Constipation - Resolved

My four year old son, Levi, has had trouble with severe constipation his entire life.  He has been treated with enemas and laxatives.  He has had x-rays and was even treated by a G.I. specialist.  Levi has regularly dealt with tremendous pain and severe diaper rash due to the constipation.  He has also been delayed with potty training due to the pain, irregularity and the fear of more pain.

 I brought Levi to Dr. Steve when he was impacted, and Dr. Steve knew exactly how to adjust him.  By the time we got home, Levi passed the stool that was impacting him.  Each time Dr. Steve adjusts him for constipation, Levi is able to pass his stool within the hour.

 Bringing Levi to Dr. Steve regularly keeps Levi regular and out of pain.  He is now growing closer to potty training. Yay!!

 Dr. Steve is caring, knowledgeable and capable.  I have entrusted my entire family  and myself to Dr. Steve and I would recommend anyone to him.  I would say, " Start your journey towards wellness with Dr. Steve Kamego." - Jamie Lopez for Levi Lopez

Stomach/Abdominal Pain - Resolved

After experiencing the sudden onset of excruciating pain in my stomach and abdomen, I spent the first 11 months of 2012 visiting my family doctor, a Digestive Disease Specialist, Piedmont Medical Center for 5 days, and a Hematologist.  In addition to months of blood work, the following is the list of tests I underwent during this time:

6 ultrasounds, 5 cat scans,  2 x-rays,  2 mammograms,1 endoscopy, 1 MRI, 1 bone marrow biopsy

The only treatment found necessary during this time was Iron pills.  While the iron corrected my blood issues, I was still in constant pain with nothing found to be wrong from any of those tests.

Just as hopelessness started trying to settle inside me, I began massage therapy that started helping relieve a little pain, and was then told that I may need chiropractic care as well. After much prayer, I was lead to Kamego Chiropractic.  After 4 weeks of combined massage therapy and chiropractic treatments, my life had improved enough for others around me to notice.

I am able to walk at a normal pace with a pain level of 4 instead of 8-10.  I was able to walk down steps again, lift a gallon of milk, and best of all...after 11 months, I am able to lift my now 3-year-old son to put him in and take him out of his crib again!

For years, I had also suffered from migraines that would occur once a month like clockwork.  During the first 4 weeks of chiropractic treatment, 2 opportunities arose for the migraines; however, I did not get a migraine either time.

Knee Pain and Sinuses

Knee Pain and Sinuses

  • "Clemson Tigers - Defensive Tackle

    I wish I had known about this place sooner! In just two treatments I'm more explosive than I had been in years! lol I wish I was making this stuff up, but just give it a try like I did and you'll see for yourself!"
    Roderick Byers
  • "Able to Workout Daily Again!

    Dr. Kamego has helped me tremendously through my recovery. A few years ago I was in a terrible accident that left me with a broken spine and neck along with many other injuries. Choosing not to fuse my spine and neck, this left me with a crooked spine causing severe migraines and back pains. Dr. Kamego took on my case with full confidence he could help me get back to normal and feel good again. I am still receiving treatment but I have seen amazing changes so far, I even lost my back rolls due to being crooked. I can't say enough good things about him and his practice. I highly recommend him to everyone and trust his opinion."
    Briana Powers
  • "Got In Last Minute, and Felling Great!!

    Thank you so much for squeezing me in today! Wonderful experience! Very good appointment and I can't wait to come back tomorrow. I was in chronic pain for months and am so glad Janine recommended you!"
    Kristen Hanrath
  • "Great Doctor, great staff, great environment, Kamego Chiropractic has helped me physically and emotionally."
    D Dallas Burns
  • "Less Pain, Less Swelling Less Bloating!

    Let's talk about alignment. A year ago, I would have said you are NUTS! Now, I am saying the exact opposite. Especially if you have the right chirpropractor! I have had years of issues being regular because of all my heart meds, leg swelling, inflammation etc. Between excerising, eating clean and just recently seeing Dr. Kamego at Kamego Chiropractic and Wellness my body feels almost 90% better. Less pain, swelling and bloating. Do yourself a favor, try getting adjusted along with your exceriseing and eating well."
    Pam Bilton
  • "No Soccer for 3 weeks, 1 treatment and she is back!

    Thank You so much for helping our daughter Tatiana's ankle this morning!!! You definitely "pulled" a miracle Today!!... 3 weeks of rehab with no Soccer???? .... ONE treatment and in less than 6 hrs she is playing, it's Amazing.
    I'm a Believer!! Look at her now! Almost scored one Goal tonight! Thank you."
    Cristian and Clara R.
  • "and the Sensei Says.....

    As Head Sensei at Rock Hill Judo Academy my back is very important to keep healthy. However; when i went to put on a sock... I threw my back out like never before. I went to Dr Steve Kamego who took me in straight away. He set to work and it wasn't easy as my muscles had locked out and kept popping my L3 out.

    I have to say that I am totally impressed with Dr Kamegos knowledge and skill and his continued communication on what's going to happen next. I am so impressed that he has been officially invited to be the authorized Chiropractor for Rock Hill Judo Academy. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Dr. Steve to anyone."
    Sensei Ian Vosper
  • "Shoulder and Arm Pain Fixed and can kneel again

    Hello future patients; Dr. Kamego has done GREAT by me. Dr. Kamego has relieved most of the pain in my neck, Left shoulder and Left arm. Dr. Kamego used his modern instrument/s and most knowledgeable techniques to help me.
    Dr. Kamego also worked on my Left upper leg post op.three (3) years now. And yes for the first (1st.) time post op. I was able to kneel in church. Thank you Dr. Kamego"
    George W. Steinfeld
  • "Dizziness and Headaches Resolved

    Dr. Steve is my Hero. I had been down for weeks with severe headaches, dizziness and nausea and I thought, "what am I doing lying here when I can go to Dr. Steve and he will help me". After all, my daughter, her husband and two children see him on a regular bases and he helps them. After the very first visit most the uncomfortable symptoms were gone and for the first time in a weeks I was free to live a normal life. I continue to visit him two times a week and at home I do my stretches and exercises he recommended and I am feeling better every visit. Dr. Steve Kamego is a wonderful chiropractor and a blessing to my family and myself."
    Sue Kirk
  • "Foot Pain Gone! - (Foot doctor said she needed Surgery?)

    A few years ago I had neck pain and could hardly turn my head from side to side and Dr. Kamego helped me. I returned to Dr. Kamego seeking relief from pain in buttocks, hips, and foot. Every step I took hurt and I was walking with a limp. I was anticipating surgery of the planter fascia.

    After a few visits my foot no longer hurt and my hip is almost pain free. I recently found myself walking quickly with no pain in my foot, and going up and down stairs with just a small ache in my hip.

    Dr. Kamego is excellent. He has helped my neck and with a few more visits I'm sure my hip will be pain free. Anyone who has pain in the neck, legs, or hips should visit Dr. Kamego."
    C.T., Rock Hill
  • "Constant, Severe Headaches for 4 months after 2 car wrecks - Resolved

    Before treatment, I was involved in two automobile accidents. I was experiencing very severe headaches that would last from the time I woke up until the time I went to sleep for over 4 months. After receiving treatment from Dr. Steve, within only 3 visits, my headaches subsided immediately! I have not experienced any more headaches and it feels great! I am able to do all of my daily activities without having to return home and lay down because of those headaches.

    Dr. Kamego has been great from the education he provides about my treatment, and how he has walked me through every step. He is an encourager and always reassures me that we get through the worst. I would recommend anyone who is experiencing headaches, backaches, neck pains, anything out of the ordinary to Dr. Kamego."
    Brittany Brian
  • "Rotator Cuff Surgery Didn't Help - But Dr Steve Did!

    I rode motorcycles for almost 50 years. I had left rotator cuff surgery in November 2009 and after rehab of 6 weeks to get my arm to move freely, the arm was stuck and ached. From the motorcycle riding-reaching for the handlebars and leaning forward, my back was giving me a lot of pain.

    I found Dr. Kamego on one of the weekly circulars and in December 2013 called his friendly staff for an appointment. After his X-rays and evaluation a plan was formed. In a month, Dr. Kamego had my arms moving more freely and my back feeling better. After another month of treatments, I feel great.

    I am thankful I found Dr. Kamego. Now my wife is being attended by Dr. Kamego for back and neck issues."
    David Wright
  • "Thank You!

    I would love to give a great testimonial to Kamego Chiropractic and Dr. Steve! I have been to several chiropractors in the area since I moved here almost a year ago. The visit yesterday was AMAZING!! I never realized that every chiropractor style is different and I am blessed to have found such a great one!!"
    Gina Renee, Fort Mill
  • "Pain level has gone from a constant 8-10 to a variable 2-3.

    I look forward to the improvements that are sure to come as I continue my care. The freedom that comes from no longer feeling trapped inside my body is worth any sacrifice towards wellness that I have to make. I praise God for leading me to Kamego Chiropractic!

    I, Jamie Lopez, give you permission to use this story in part or in whole."
  • "Bed Setting Issues
    Dr Steve helped our 11 year old son with bed wetting. He had been soaking the bed every night. After 3 weeks of adjustments we saw a great improvement. 3 months later and he is waking up dry every morning with an occasional accident here and there. Would highly recommend Dr Steve!!!"
    Greg B. New Milford, CT
  • "After 6 months of suffering from bad knee pain, Dr. Kamego got rid of it in only 2 weeks!

    Even my sinus problems have improved tremendously! -"
    Aimee Albright


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