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Research Offers Hope About Fibromyalgia Relief Through Chiropractic Care

If you suffer from fibromyalgia, you are no stranger to restless nights and exhausting, pain- filled days. Although there are many different lifestyle remedies that may lessen your symptoms (such as lowering your stress, increasing your physical activity, and eating nutritious foods), research has found that regular chiropractic care (such as is offered by Dr. Steve Kamego, a Rock Hill chiropractor) can also help with the chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia, offering you some much needed – and certainly deserved – relief.

The Study

A study was conducted on a group of women who had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia at least three months prior. Each participant was asked to complete a questionnaire about their quality of sleep, intensity of pain, and level of fatigue at the onset of the study, before asking them to take part in 30 total chiropractic visits which were conducted 2-3 times per week.

The first phase consisted of ischemic compression wherein the chiropractor would use his or her thumbs to put pressure on the tender areas in 10 second intervals. The second phase involved the chiropractor conducting spinal manipulation, primarily in the cervical (neck) and thoracic (upper and middle back) areas.

The questionnaires were re-administered halfway through the study (at the 15th chiropractic session), at the conclusion of the study (after the 30th session), and one month after the study to determine the results of the chiropractic care. The results were amazing.

The Results and What They Mean

Once the 30 sessions were complete, the female participants reported less pain (77.2%), greater sleep quality (63.5%), and an improvement in their levels of fatigue (74.8%). Researchers also noted that, the greatest improvements were in those that were younger and in less pain to begin with, although the difference was not significant.

What this study suggests is that chiropractic care can be extremely effective when dealing with chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia. Plus, the earlier you start this particular treatment option, the better your results.

Dr. Steven Kamego of Kamego Chiropractic is committed to helping fibromyalgia sufferers by lessening their chronic pain, getting them better sleep, and offering results that include more energy and a happier outlook on life. Whether you live near York, Fort Mill, Chester, Lancaster, or Rock Hill, SC, call and schedule your appointment today so that you suffer less tomorrow!


Hains DC, et al. Combined Ischemic Compression and Spinal Manipulation in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia: A Preliminary Estimate of Dose and Efficacy. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2010; 23(4).


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