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Surely you must have dreamed of the day when you don’t have headaches! We will describe two ways you can decrease the frequency and severity of your headaches and do so in a short period of time.

The first method is to get a chiropractic manipulation for your headache. To some people, this may seem like out-of-the-box thinking but after it’s explained why it works, it will make sense to you.

Spinal nerves and cranial nerves (nerves inside the head) control the sensation of pain on the face and head, as well as the five senses. When any of them are irritated, that’s when you will have symptoms. A headache is only one of numerous symptoms that could potentially result from irritated nerves. Chiropractic manipulation allows the irritated nerve the chance to heal, and thus helps restore the nervous system impulses.

In a study of 127 people who suffered from migraines (at least one per month), 83 people in the chiropractic group received a maximum of 16 chiropractic treatments for headache over a two-month period of time. The rest of them were in the control group. There was a significant improvement in frequency of migraine headache, how long they lasted, how disabled they were as a result of a headache and how much medication they used.

Now here’s the best part: 22% of these patients had more than a 90% reduction of migraines! All these positive effects happened from chiropractic treatment.

About 50% of those who received chiropractic treatment reported significant improvement in the seriousness of their migraine headaches as well.

Your first method to seriously reduce the frequency of your headaches is to start chiropractic treatment.

The second method is to decrease your dependence on migraine headache medication. It can be difficult to suffer through a migraine headache but the fact is that headache medications can cause headaches!

Who needs or wants to be saddled with a headache anymore? Take this information and make it usable right away!

Source: Tuchin, P.J., Pollard, H. and Bonello, R. A randomized controlled trial of chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy for migraines. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2000 Feb; 23(2): 91-5.


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